

A zine dedicated to seeing all our favorite Dragon Age characters living as/interacting with Avvar or expanding upon current Avvar lore!


She/Her || Graphic Design, Packaging, Logistics

Hello there! Just your resident art gremlin and Avvar lover, Ed, here! I am the Lead mod for the Legend-Mark zine, and in charge of Graphic Design, Packaging, and Logistics! It is an absolute honor to have this role and I will give it my all to make sure that this zine is a success! I fell into the DA fandom some years ago and have no regrets. I’ve made a LOT of DA fanart and fanfics, and my favorite charcaters are Alistair and Varric.


She/Her || Finance, Management, Logistics

Hello I'm Kemvee: jack of all trades, serial zine modder and enjoyer of all things Avvar!
I am committed to fundraising through fandom so i'm very excited to lend my skills to this worthy cause. I'll be helping out with planning, admin and contributor support all with the aim of exploring and expanding on this fascinating facet of Dragon Age Lore. No prizes for guessing my favourite character but I also have a very soft spot for Shale, Fenris and Dorian.

Icon By Meluvhenan


She/Her || Social Media, Customer Support, Logistics

Hi, there! I'm Noire, the "hype master" of the fandom. I joined the Dragon Age community two years ago, and since then I've had a lot of fun and met so many people I really appreciate. My favourites are Solas, Merrill, Anders, Leliana and many more. I look forward to help around the zine as part of the social media and customer support team. Thank you so much for your interest in the zine. I can't wait to share the results with you.

FAQ & Terms

Important Zine Info

The Avvar are a diverse, fictional group of people created by BioWare, inspired by various real-world cultures, past and present. The Legend-Mark team will be vigilant and respectful in our representation of them, and remain accurate to their in-game portrayal. Any racist, harmful, or otherwise appropriative works will not be permitted.

Contact Us

For more information and regular updates, please check out our social media accounts listed below! If you have a specific question, feel free to reach out through our email and we will try to get to your question in a timely manner!


Will this zine focus on a single game?

No. Characters from all official Dragon Age media are encouraged and allowed!

Will OCs & DA protags be allowed in this zine?

Yes, but they must be drawn or written with at least one other Canon Character.

Will ships be allowed in this zine?

Yes, but they must be drawn or written with at least one other Canon Character.

Can characters from across different official Dragon Age media be presented together in the same piece?

Yes! In this zine, we will be exploring alternate universe interpretations of characters. Crossover interactions are perfectly reasonable within these bounds.

Will this zine be NSFW?

No. However, tasteful nudity will be allowed (as one of the Avvar armors is basically only body paint after all!)

Will this zine be spoiler-free?

No. Read at your own peril.

Will traditional art be allowed?

Yes, so long as it can be scanned in high definition.

What types of themes will be found in this zine?

Anything, so long as its focused on the Avvar lifestyle. This can mean characters as alternate universe Avvar versions of themselves, characters interacting with Avvar, and exploration of canon Avvar characters and lore-- including hold life, mythology, combat techniques, and more. Concepts will be reviewed and approved according to these themes.

Will only canon Avvar lore be explored in this zine?

No. We encourage our contributors to both draw on canon Avvar lore and also explore their own interpretations and theories. So little is known about the Avvar and we would love to give the creators the opportunity to take their own artistic liberties while staying respectful and true towards the source material.

Will contributors be receiving a cut of the sales?

No. This is a full not-for-profit zine. All sales will be going towards the National Abortion Federation. To learn more, feel free to check them out here.

Where and when will we be able to buy it?

Preorders are expected to open in Q1 of 2023. We are still investigating which vendor will best suit our needs and more information will follow.

How experienced are the mods?

Our team possesses a diverse mix of experience, with highly skilled mods who have run multiple zines as well as passionate first-time moderators dedicated to ensuring this project's success.

For more information and regular updates, please check out our social media accounts listed below! If you have a specific question, feel free to reach out through our email and we will try to get to your question in a timely manner!